Some of my personal collections!

Some of my personal collections!

Not many people have seen them… but I thought I could share them with you: some small crystals, whiskers I find on the floor naturally shed by my kitty, feathers I find while on my morning walks (and a random seed) and in the pink basket, my 4 wisdom teeth (didn’t show them… don’t wanting to freak you guys out!).

What do you think?

Do you know the difference between a myth and a legend?

Myths: symbolic storytelling that have sought to explain difficult concepts or phenomena. Legends: presumed to have some basis in historical fact and tends to mention people and events.

On a personal note

So, every morning, right after I wake up (5:30am), I have a little ritual: I go to the kitchen, put the coffer maker on, clean Micifu’s bowls and give her new food and water and then serve myself coffee in a beautiful handmade rustic mug and sit down to savor it and enjoy the silence of the dawn hours. I read a full chapter (if possible) of the book sitting on top of the pile, and that’s how I try to go through them all, one by one. I love this moment of the day! After that, I go on my morning walk (7:00am) and then get ready for a full day of work.

Feminine archetypes can help us navigate life through studying their human qualities, behavior patterns, personality traits and in general helping us find new ways to see and become.

Ancient Goddesses and their myths can reveal things about ourselves and offer us lessons from the past that can make our modern-day experiences validated with authenticity and changing our lives.

There is little understanding of the sanctity of life, in all its forms.

We are good at taking, but have little regard about what we are receiving. We’re so caught up in the daily grind we lose sight of the myriad of miracles that surround us…

Archetypal goddesses can support individual psychology to empower us to make our own choices and see ourselves as protagonists in our own life story. Activate and call forth one of the archetypes to help you.

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